<z>Law360</z> Taps David Elsberg on Recent Appellate Court Affirmation in SGI Victory

NYC Buildings

Law360 recently reported on the New York state appellate court affirming a victory that Elsberg Baker & Maruri won on behalf of its client Sol Goldman Investments, LLC. (“SGI”), dismissing claims against SGI alleging that it breached contract provisions governing an appraisal and put-right process in a $2 billion dispute over a real estate empire in a case the press has called a “real life Succession.”

Law360 reported that the appellate court ruled that “SGI is not a party to its own operating agreement … dooming breach of contract and related claims” and the article quoted the portion of the appellate court decision stating that "[c]ontrary to plaintiffs' assertion, the fact that defendant LLC was managed, opened bank accounts, or otherwise was operated in accordance with the operating agreement does not stop it from claiming that it is not bound by that agreement."

The Elsberg Baker & Maruri team representing SGI includes David Elsberg, Silpa Maruri, Vivek Tata, Molly O'Keefe, Angel Valle, Kateryna Shokalo and Silas LaBorde.

Read more here > Law360